3,906 research outputs found

    Public Health and Epidemiology Informatics: Recent Research and Trends in the United States

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    Objectives To survey advances in public health and epidemiology informatics over the past three years. Methods We conducted a review of English-language research works conducted in the domain of public health informatics (PHI), and published in MEDLINE between January 2012 and December 2014, where information and communication technology (ICT) was a primary subject, or a main component of the study methodology. Selected articles were synthesized using a thematic analysis using the Essential Services of Public Health as a typology. Results Based on themes that emerged, we organized the advances into a model where applications that support the Essential Services are, in turn, supported by a socio-technical infrastructure that relies on government policies and ethical principles. That infrastructure, in turn, depends upon education and training of the public health workforce, development that creates novel or adapts existing infrastructure, and research that evaluates the success of the infrastructure. Finally, the persistence and growth of infrastructure depends on financial sustainability. Conclusions Public health informatics is a field that is growing in breadth, depth, and complexity. Several Essential Services have benefited from informatics, notably, “Monitor Health,” “Diagnose & Investigate,” and “Evaluate.” Yet many Essential Services still have not yet benefited from advances such as maturing electronic health record systems, interoperability amongst health information systems, analytics for population health management, use of social media among consumers, and educational certification in clinical informatics. There is much work to be done to further advance the science of PHI as well as its impact on public health practice

    The COVID-19 Pandemic: Public Health and Epidemiology

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    In this issue of the journal, we publish a review of COVID-19 infection by 2 eminent virologists, MacKenzie and Smith (see in this issue). It is too early in the history of the COVID-19 outbreak to write the full history, but their article provides a good outline of the emerging pandemic. The disease is causing widespread social disruption in many countries, and it has just been announced that the 2020 Asia Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health (APACPH) Conference has been postponed indefinitely..

    Online access panels for surveys on public health and epidemiology

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    In both the private and public sectors research on attitudes and behaviour is often carried out using “online access panels” – panels sometimes consisting of hundreds of thousands of members of the public who have agreed to answer questionnaires on a variety of topics. However, such panels are currently little used in health care research, perhaps a surprise given Van Gelder, Bredveld and Roeleveld’s (2010) comment “...web-based questionnaires could be considered an alternative or complementary mode in the range of epidemiologic methods of data collection”. Thus in this paper we examine what a typical online access panel is and what it might offer to health care researchers.To set online access panels into context, the potential biases associated with them are examined, and these are compared with the other main modes of data collection. It is argued that an evaluation of the validity of modes of data collection should be based on a number of criteria to decide which mode is most likely to reflect accurately the characteristics of a specific population, in particular its demographics, lifestyle, attitudes and behaviour. Validity is not just a function of the sampling design and the extent and nature of any non-response bias but also of the willingness and ability of respondents to give honest and accurate information. In the case of online access panels the merits of reduced socially desirable responding and greater willingness to provide sensitive information are noted. The positive and negative sides of ‘panel learning’ are also reported. Whether there is one single definitive statement about the relative validity of the different modes is considered. Experimenting with key questions across modes is suggested

    Gender inequalities in research in public health and epidemiology in Spain (2007-2014)

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    Objetivo: Analizar las desigualdades de género en investigación en salud pública y epidemiología en España, en el periodo 2007-2014. Método: Estudio descriptivo según sexo de posiciones de liderazgo del Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red (CIBER), especialmente en el área temática de epidemiología y salud pública (CIBERESP) en 2014; de sociedades científicas de salud pública (SESPAS) y epidemiología (SEE), 2009-2014; y de proyectos de investigación solicitados (13.320) y financiados (4699), e importes de convocatorias de Acción Estratégica en Salud (AES), 2007-2013. Resultados: Existe una clara infrarrepresentación de mujeres líderes y contratadas en investigación de excelencia en salud pública (CIBERESP), con predominio de los hombres en puestos de decisión. Aunque los proyectos de investigación de la Acción Estratégica en Salud (AES) liderados por mujeres han crecido ligeramente entre 2007 y 2013, entre los solicitados no alcanzan el 50%, con excepción de los de la Comisión de Salud Pública. La brecha de género es aún mayor en proyectos financiados. Los proyectos liderados por hombres tienen mayor probabilidad de obtener financiación, alcanzando el 29% en los de salud pública. Persiste una segregación horizontal de género en posiciones de reconocimiento científico en congresos de SESPAS y SEE. Conclusiones: La sobrerrepresentación de líderes masculinos en la investigación en salud pública en España debe entenderse como indicador y consecuencia del androcentrismo en las sociedades científicas y los grupos profesionales. Esta situación sexista pone en riesgo la existencia de productos y servicios innovadores desde la perspectiva de género que den respuestas a necesidades y demandas de toda la sociedad. Se necesitan más mujeres en investigación que tengan incorporada esta perspectiva.Objective: To analyse gender inequalities in research on public health and epidemiology in Spain for the period 2007-2014. Method: A descriptive study was conducted by sex of leadership positions in the Centre for Biomedical Research Network (CIBER), especially in the subject area of epidemiology and public health (CIBERESP) in 2014; scientific societies of public health (SESPAS) and epidemiology (SEE) 2009-2014; research projects requested (13,320) and financed (4,699), and monetary amounts of calls for Strategic Action in Health (AES), 2007-2013. Results: Women were clearly under-represented in positions of leadership and in research excellence in public health (CIBER), with a predominance of men in decision-making positions. Although research projects led by women in AES increased slightly between 2007 and 2013, among proposed projects this figure was less than 50%, with the exception of the public health commission. The gender gap was even greater in funded projects. Projects led by men were more likely to be funded, representing 29% in public health. There was also a persistence of horizontal gender segregation in positions of scientific recognition in the SESPAS and SEE Congresses. Conclusions: The overrepresentation of male leaders in public health research in Spain can be understood as an indicator and a consequence of androcentrism in scientific societies and professional groups. This sexist situation threatens the existence of innovative products and services from a gender perspective that respond to the needs and demands of society as a whole. More women are needed in research incorporating this perspective.Este trabajo ha recibido financiación parcial de la Acción Estratégica en Salud del Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Exp. PI12/00498) y Fondos FEDER

    Public health and epidemiology journals published in Brazil and other Portuguese speaking countries

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    It is well known that papers written in languages other than English have a great risk of being ignored simply because these languages are not accessible to the international scientific community. The objective of this paper is to facilitate the access to the public health and epidemiology literature available in Portuguese speaking countries. It was found that it is particularly concentrated in Brazil, with some few examples in Portugal and none in other Portuguese speaking countries. This literature is predominantly written in Portuguese, but also in other languages such as English or Spanish. The paper describes the several journals, as well as the bibliographic databases that index these journals and how to access them. Most journals provide open-access with direct links in the indexing databases. The importance of this scientific production for the development of epidemiology as a scientific discipline and as a basic discipline for public health practice is discussed. To marginalize these publications has implications for a more balanced knowledge and understanding of the health problems and their determinants at a world-wide level

    Public Health and Epidemiology Informatics: Recent Research Trends

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    OBJECTIVES: To introduce and analyse current trends in Public Health and Epidemiology Informatics. METHODS: PubMed search of 2020 literature on public health and epidemiology informatics was conducted and all retrieved references were reviewed by the two section editors. Then, 15 candidate best papers were selected among the 920 references. These papers were then peer-reviewed by the two section editors, two chief editors, and external reviewers, including at least two senior faculty, to allow the Editorial Committee of the 2021 International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA) Yearbook to make an informed decision regarding the selection of the best papers. RESULTS: Among the 920 references retrieved from PubMed, four were suggested as best papers and the first three were finally selected. The fourth paper was excluded because of reproducibility issues. The first best paper is a very public health focused paper with health informatics and biostatistics methods applied to stratify patients within a cohort in order to identify those at risk of suicide; the second paper describes the use of a randomized design to test the likely impact of fear-based messages, with and without empowering self-management elements, on patient consultations or antibiotic requests for influenza-like illnesses. The third selected paper evaluates the perception among communities of routine use of Whole Genome Sequencing and Big Data technologies to capture more detailed and specific personal information. CONCLUSIONS: The findings from the three studies suggest that using Public Health and Epidemiology Informatics methods could leverage, when combined with Deep Learning, early interventions and appropriate treatments to mitigate suicide risk. Further, they also demonstrate that well informing and empowering patients could help them to be involved more in their care process

    Where have all the diagnostic morphological parasitologists gone?

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    Advances in laboratory techniques have revolutionized parasitology diagnostics over the past several decades. Widespread implementation of rapid antigen detection tests has greatly expanded access to tests for global parasitic threats such as malaria, while next-generation amplification and sequencing methods allow for sensitive and specific detection of human and animal parasites in complex specimen matrices. Recently, the introduction of multiplex panels for human gastrointestinal infections has enhanced the identification of common intestinal protozoa in feces along with bacterial and viral pathogens. Despite the benefits provided by novel diagnostics, increased reliance on nonmicroscopy-based methods has contributed to the progressive, widespread loss of morphology expertise for parasite identification. Loss of microscopy and morphology skills has the potential to negatively impact patient care, public health, and epidemiology. Molecular- and antigen-based diagnostics are not available for all parasites and may not be suitable for all specimen types and clinical settings. Furthermore, inadequate morphology experience may lead to missed and inaccurate diagnoses and erroneous descriptions of new human parasitic diseases. This commentary highlights the need to maintain expert microscopy and morphological parasitology diagnostic skills within the medical and scientific community. We proposed that light microscopy remains an important part of training and practice in the diagnosis of parasitic diseases and that efforts should be made to train the next generation of morphological parasitologists before the requisite knowledge, skills, and capacity for this complex and important mode of diagnosis are lost. In summary, the widespread, progressive loss of morphology expertise for parasite identification negatively impacts patient care, public health, and epidemiology. © 2022 American Society for Microbiology

    International population-based health surveys linked to outcome data:A new resource for public health and epidemiology

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    Background: National health surveys linked to vital statistics and health care information provide a growing source of individual-level population health data. Pooling linked surveys across jurisdictions would create comprehensive datasets that are larger than most existing cohort studies, and that have a unique international and population perspective. This paper’s objectives are to examine the feasibility of pooling linked population health surveys from three countries, facilitate the examination of health behaviours, and present useful information to assist in the planning of international population health surveillance and research studies. Methods: The design, methodologies and content of the Canadian Community Health Survey (2003 to 2008), the United States National Health Interview Survey (2000, 2005) and the Scottish Health Survey (SHeS) (2003, 2008 to 2010) were examined for comparability and consistency. The feasibility of creating common variables for measuring smoking, alcohol consumption, physical activity and diet was assessed. Sample size and estimated mortality events were collected. Results: The surveys have comparable purposes, designs, sampling and administration methodologies, target populations, exclusions, and content. Similar health behaviour questions allow for comparable variables to be created across the surveys. However, the SHeS uses a more detailed risk factor evaluation for alcohol consumption and diet data. Therefore, comparisons of alcohol consumption and diet data between the SHeS and the other two surveys should be performed with caution. Pooling these linked surveys would create a dataset with over 350,000 participants, 28,424 deaths and over 2.4 million person-years of follow-up. Conclusions: Pooling linked national population health surveys could improve population health research and surveillance. Innovative methodologies must be used to account for survey dissimilarities, and further discussion is needed on how to best access and analyze data across jurisdictions